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Business Area

High Vacuum
Brazing Technology

Manufacturing process of CNTs field-emission ultra violet CL light-emitting vacuum sealed light source

  • Development of vacuum brazing bonding technology
    for four types of materials
  • Optimization of filler process optimized for high and
    low temperatures with eco-friendly filler composition
  • Optimization of anode window material, thickness, surface
    enhancement control and aluminum metal reflection film coating
    for UV-C Sterilization light transmittance improvement
  • Production of more than 30 light sources per batch
  • * 4 types of materials : alumina, Oxygen-free copper, Kovar, Sapphire

Need for state-of-the- art complex high vacuum brazing technology

Low-temperature bonding area below 400 ℃ (final vacuum sealed)

High temperature brazing area above 800℃

CNT synthesis
Manufacturing technology

World-leading nanomaterial manufacturing

High-performance electron
emission source
manufacturing technology

Possession of manufacturing process technology for
CNT electron emission source cathode

Self-manufactured high-performance CNT material
High-performance CNT paste manufacturing